Sto Para Pente is a popular Greek comedy-drama television series, which was broadcast on Mega Channel for two seasons, from September 27, 2005, until June 18, 2007. It was written by Giorgos Kapoutzidis and directed by Antonis Aggelopoulos. Being an instant critical and popular success, it became the biggest television hit both in 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 and is regarded as one of the most famed and successful shows in Greek television history. While series was originally supposed to conclude with only one season, its immense popularity resulted in a second season consisting of 23 more episodes. While there was a demand for a third season, Kapoutzidis made it clear that the second would be the last season of the show. The highly anticipated series finale attracted an audience of nearly 3 million viewers, making this 70-minute-long special episode the third most-watched episode of any television series ever in Greece since ratings began.